Poetry & Picture

Many of my pictures were born when I met good poems. After starting my art career, I found this was vice versa. And I have worked with many poets.

The English titles are privately translated by Nao Inoue and not formal ones.


Ayako Hori 「調香師の休日」 (Holidays of a Perfume Compounder) Cover


Yuriika Suzuki 「海のバイオリンが聞こえる」 (I Can Hear the Violin of the Sea) Cover & pictures


Poetry coterie magazines「ハリー」(Harry) Covers


Long-poetry coterie magazines「ヒポカンパス」(Hippocampus) Covers


Shoichiro Aizawa「パルナッソスへの旅」(The Journey to Parnassus) Cover

Since March in 2005, I've participated in long-poetry coterie magazines 'HIPPOCAMPUS' with poets: Hiroko Okajima, Ruriko Mizuno and Shoichiro Aizawa, presenting the pictures of 'Drifting Fixed-stars series'.

I had created rather large works taking long period, but I tried to create a lot of works, rather small ones.

We held the exhibition 'HIPPOCAMPUS' at ASK? artspace kimura from Jan. 23 to Jan. 28 in 2006, where I exhibited the original 14 drawings of magazines as well as new 20 acrylic works on canvas. Three poets chose their favorite picture, and composed poems each and all. Toshiharu Osugi ( Cyber Poetry Magazine ) compiled them, and this collaboration was realized.

With your click, the poem appears in Japanese.



Hiroko Okajima 岡島弘子

Hiroko Okajima 岡島弘子




Ruriko Mizuno 水野るり子

Shoichiro Aizawa 相澤正一郎

Shoichiro Aizawa 相澤正一郎

The following are other works without poems in "HIPPOCAMPUS."

They were painted in 2005~2006 and all titled "Drifting Fixed Stars".